The Spinball iPitch Smart Pitching Machine
Batting Practice Screen
Select a pitcher and you’re ready for BP. Choose from 16 built-in pitchers or create your own. Each pitcher can throw up to 12 different pitches. Left and right-handed factory defined pitchers are available with top speeds from 60-95 mph. All pitch speeds are programmed as a percentage of the pitcher’s fastball, so breaking pitches are thrown at a realistic speed relative to the fastball. For example, a pitcher with a 90-mph fastball will throw a 75-mph curve. Select “random sequence” to change pitches every time a ball is thrown. You can even choose which pitches are included in the sequence by checking or unchecking the boxes next to the pitch buttons. Factory pitches are programmed using real baseballs. Check out the website! iPitch Smart Pitching Machine - Spinball Sports
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